Category: Lifestyle

Life Style

Body Architect – BM Bhishma Madhani On Being An Ambassador Of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Fit India Movement

Right from the time he was in school, Bhishma Madhani was extremely passionate about two things, fitness, and cricket. While playing cricket remains a hobby for him, fitness has become his profession. Through his personal training business Body Architect – BM, Bhishma has helped people from all walks of...

The gift of self-love

The only happy endings we’d ever witnessed in books or film involved people who were cis-gendered and straight. The romantic trope between a man and a woman was the only form of love story known to us. There was a clear message: not only were happy endings not for...

Suganda launches its new Arbutin and Tranexamic Serum for dull skin and to fight pigmentation

At Suganda, we recognize the dull skin type and hence understand that a multi-layered approach is required to tackle pigmentation and to provide significant results to those concerned with dull skin. So, we formulate skincare that is effective in nature to give you a complete upgrade of your skin...